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Writer's pictureSibi Selvaraj

Boredom – An Essential Life Skill

Today is unlike any other day for me.

I woke up balls-cold (it’s raining in Coimbatore as I write this) and having nothing to do for the day.

I thought I’d take it slow this weekend doing…nothing.

But as my zen-o-meter sparked fumes in my head, I thought I’ll write about it instead.

This is not me playing the patient with you as my therapist.

This is not a ‘go get a life you pissers’ post as well.

This is about ‘boredom’ and the beauty of it. Or if you prefer – How to not have a life and be cool about it.

I force myself into a bit of introspection – and realize that I’ve been this way always.

I get my legal highs from movement and activity but I’ve also enjoyed by escapades of boredom and non-doing.

If you made a graph to track my activity, it would look like a series of triangular mountains like the ones kids draw.

The high points would be maximum activity while the ensuing downward slopes would lead to the lowest points – the points which I call boredom.

Let me assure you, it’s not a bad thing at all.

I take this time to disassociate myself from everyone and everything and just be.

Sounds crazy enough as I write it, but that’s how I roll sometimes.

High outbursts of activity and energy interlaced with breaks of nothingness.

And let me assure you again, this isn’t some pseudo-nobility I’m trying to shove up your asses.

Sometimes it feels like a lazy man’s way to meditate and other times it just leads to binging on the latest show with plenty of junk food on the side.

But I’ve learned to enjoy these spaces and always try to add more ‘empty spaces’ like this in my days (I’m a certified lazy goose as much as I’m a certified activity nutcase).

So to all the folks who are bored to death and feeling guilty about it:

Don’t worry. Watching that lizard on the wall tonguing its prey like a pro is as cool as making plans with your stupid friends. Haha.

Here are some things I’ve done when I get bored that you can try at home:

  1. Stare at the wall without blinking and note down how long you can go. My personal best is around 3 minutes. Can you beat me?

  2. Pace around the home for no reason. Soon your folks will get annoyed and begin cribbing – in short, free entertainment for you.

  3. If you have a pet dog sleeping, constantly disturb him. Watch his love for you disappear. It’s a beautiful thing.

  4. If you have a sibling at home, you can try to come up with creative ways to make your parents get angry at them. Note down the stuff that works and send it my way.

  5. Get bored with a friend. Or someone you like. It’s awesome.

Stay bored. Stay happy.

PS. I promise, my next blog will be useful.


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