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Writer's pictureSibi Selvaraj

Why this Raw Flesh Eating Man is a Marketing Genius?

Fell for the click-bait, didn’t you?

Just kidding. That wasn’t a click-bait. Wait, what!

The rabbit hole of whacky internet personalities goes deeper than the ‘deep’ you could think of.

Some are irrational. Some are bizarre. Some are wise.

But only a few are a combination of bizarre and wise, a type we can’t help but admire.

We may hate them. We may love them. But you can’t go without paying attention to them.

I’m talking about Liver King. At least that’s the name he goes by.

I’m a vegetarian largely my whole life save a few rare occasions.

But once I began binge-watching his videos (and it’s not difficult to), there came moments where maybe...maybe... what if I started to plan on feasting on animal carcasses?

Personally, I can't.

For me, it’s not about the meat itself. It’s about the connection my mind makes to the animal emotionally.

But what’s the deal with this Liver King guy?

For Liver King, liver is king.

All of what he does on socials weigh heavily on that message alone.

Along with that, he also teaches the nine ancestral tenets which he believes will help people lead a wholesome, happier, and healthier life.

My favorite ancestral tenet out of the nine he speaks of is, of course, FIGHT.

Nothing gets more primal than a fight. Sex is a close second, maybe.

What’s truly thought-provoking is the way Liver King defines fight.

And how he encompasses the philosophy of fight across spiritual, physical, and worldly dimensions.

Enough about what I like.

As a marketer, as a copywriter, as a perennial student of psychology, here’s what I think helped him gain such a huge traction on socials in a short period of time.

And I call it –

‘Mission before everything else’.

You won't hear this from your ad agency or social media executive.

But I believe that’s what makes Liver King different from other wannabe social media influencers.

How? Why? Don't other influencers have a mission for themselves and their companies as well?

‘It’s even pasted on their company’s reception walls’.


Here’s the meatiest takeaway from Liver King (especially if you’re running a business, managing a brand or want to be an influencer):

Most influencers are in it because of the money.

Liver King is in it because he truly believes his message and wants as many people as possible to hear about it.

Because the guy already runs multiple businesses and is already rich.

Whereas your usual beauty influencer is interested in making you (the follower) feel inferior by posting filter-soaked pictures that set unrealistic standards (guess why, so he/she could push more products your way).

So in an influencer's case, it's money first lifestyle second.

But in Liver King's case, lifestyle first money second.

To explain with an example:

The engine (mission) pulls the compartments (money) of a train.

Not the other way around.

But Liver King also has his own supplements and products, right?


But since he keeps it real and his exaggerations blossom from the core of his mission, he doesn’t come off as pushy or salesy or needy (many influencers do come off as needy and validation-seeking).

And liver king is a marketing genius because of that.

True mission overrides any marketing, advertising, or copywriting tactic.

Mission sells itself.

And inversely, it becomes so much easier for the brand's custodians like an agency, marketer, or copywriter to come with better messaging if the brand is true to the mission.

Love him or hate him, he truly is the Liver King.

What’s your mission? What’s the mission for the business you’re running?

Get working.



The Copy Alchemist

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