Today, a lot of people will be celebrating Dussehra in the country.
It’s the celebration of Ram’s victory over Raavan, the ten headed nemesis from the Hindu mythology.
But there’s a more powerful demon that could collapse your writing career if you let it to.
I call it the ten-headed copywriting demon.
Try to avoid them all or you’ll run the risk of burning eternally in ‘the pyre of the broke writer’.
Let’s go.
#1 - Not writing daily
Are you someone who waits for inspiration to strike so you could write? Then you’re a waiter, not a writer.
#2 – No research on the product/service
Don’t let overconfidence kill the quality of your work. Research, research and repeat until you know the product/service better than your client.
#3 – Not knowing your target audience
Writing an Instagram post for a women’s makeup product? Don’t write as if you’re talking to 70-year-olds about geriatric health.
#4 – Using too many adverbs
Kill your darlings. Get creative. Come up with your own metaphors. Adverbs are for noobs. Use it sporadically.
#5 – Winging your projects
I know people out there who just wing their projects coming up with sub-standard quality. Stand out from the crowd. Do justice to the craft.
#6 – Not having a thick skin
Comments, client feedbacks are part of the job. Don’t let your ego come in the way of producing top-notch work.
#7- Not fighting for your ideas
Each time a creative boss rejects your idea, it doesn’t mean you have to walk back with your tail tucked between your legs. Fight him. It’s your baby and if you feel it’ll work, don’t give up too easy.
#8 – Not charging more
Please. Copywriting is the most valuable asset you could bring to any brand, sales funnel or communication. Charge your worth. Don’t settle for less.
#9 – Scared of sales
If you hate sales, copywriting is going to be hell for you. A single copywriter can do from home what a hundred sales executives on field try to achieve in a month. Learn sales and you’ll survive any market, any workplace.
#10 – Not loving it
Love the craft. It’ll reflect in your projects, the way you write, the way you talk to clients etc.
Copywriting is not just writing. It’s essentially solving business problems to increase their revenue or improve the way people perceive a brand.
Don’t let the ten-headed demon rip you off. Kick it in the nuts and have fun writing.
Happy Dussehra.