‘OMG this Sibi...what a pretentious douche!’
If that was your first thought reading the above title, I understand.
Because you aren’t the first person to feel that way nor you will be the last person to do so.
Accepted, this title reeks of some desperate ego boost. And honestly, why the heck should you care about what I do for a living? Exactly, there’s absolutely no fucking reason you should.
However, I’d like to tell you a story (ahem..no it happened for real) just after my graduation. This was after I got into my first real job at advertising.
Whenever people asked me what I did for a living, I would say what I did. I could literally smell the confusion out of their faces when I said it.
Because of this very reason, like most other individuals in my line of work, I resorted to the templated answer of ‘I work in advertising’.
Eyebrows were raised, O shapes were made by lips, and a flurry of questions would be thrown at me.
‘Oh really?’, ‘That’s cool’, That’s such an amazing industry to work in’, ‘I’ve always wanted to try too’. You know the drill.
And then would come the most haunting of all questions. ‘What do you do in advertising?’
Now, a lot of the non-advertising folks (or muggles, if you will) have no frickin’ clue about my role. Even though what I do can make or break a campaign.
They’d expect me to utter one of their favorite roles that they might have read up in a novel, or seen in a movie. And when I say what I do, like I told you before, their enthusiasm drops down to a bewildering confusion.
Now, do you think you can guess what I do for a living?
No, I’m not an Art Director.
No, I’m not a Producer.
No, I’m not an Ad Film Maker.
No, please. I’m not a spot boy either.
Then what am I?
I’m a…
I’m a Copywriter.
You’re probably mouthing a ‘meh’ right now. That’s okay. I understand. And that’s exactly why I’m going to explain what I can do in less than just two minutes.
So, have you got two minutes for me?
And by the way, did I also say that knowing what I do for a living can change your life for the better too?
You’re now probably dazzled by the previous sentence. Hell, even a little bit angry. I can again totally understand.
‘First he asks me to waste my five minutes reading his stupid blog page...then he’s saying he can change my life for the better. What does he think of himself?’
Did I read your mind correctly? Good.
Now you can just ‘escape’ from this page or stay a bit longer (I promised two minutes, didn’t I?) to know how I can change your life for the better.
Like I said a few sentences back, I’m a Copywriter.
Yes, all good. But what do I actually do and how what I do can change your life for the better?
Cue drum roll for the biggest reveal:
You might have seen a thousand ads in your life from the moment you wake up to the moment you sleep. Guess who wrote all those ads?
A copywriter did. Most probably an advertising copywriter.
All the ad films that you watch on your screens? Yes, a copywriter wrote that.
Nike’s famous ‘Just Do It’ line? Yes, it was written by a copywriter.
All the in-trend social media posts from the brands you love? Yes, a copywriter wrote them all.
Even the sales page that you scan through meticulously before buying an object like a phone, or a car or a product off the Amazon listing? Yep, that’s us. A copywriter wrote it.
You’re probably wondering how this information is going to help your lives. We'll get there in a moment.
And let me assure you, I’m not a fan of wasting other people’s time or my own for that matter.
Especially if you’re an entrepreneur or a business person who’s trying to scale your online business on social media.
Or if you have a product with you, any product, and are wondering how to sell it online, how to scale it from packaging, branding, messaging to convincing millions out there to buy your product.
Trust me, I don’t care if you’re the marketing manager of a hotshot SaaS company reading this or a mom-opreneur trying to scale your knitting hobby into a lucrative online business.
You need COPY.
In short, COPY is the words you see on a website, the words the characters speak in a television commercial, the words that make you smile on reading a funny social media post, words on a sales page that convince you to shell out money for a product you see online.
And you need a copywriter to write words which will make your customers go for their wallets and give you all their money for your product or service.
And trust me, not everyone can do it.
There are a lot of wannabe copywriters out there trying to take your money and deliver shit value. Avoid them like the plague.
They don’t care about your business, they just care about making some quick bucks.
I’m the other kind. The kind that delivers more. The kind that delivers more than what I promise you. The kind you can bank on.
This again doesn’t mean that I can take any and all businesses that come my way.
Me (and our awesome team) have not accepted a lot of businesses because we couldn’t just see the partnership working (more about that later).
But here’s what we’re interested in - small businesses run by a small team or an individual trying to scale online. More brownie points, if we love the vision and future goals of your business.
I believe I have answered your question of how I can change your lives for the better.
Or if you haven’t gotten it yet, here's my not-so-grand sales pitch to you: My copy and design can make your marketing enticing, be it a social media ad, a television commercial or a corporate film or a sales page.
B2B or B2C, it doesn't matter. Our team is great at cranking out copy and design based on breakthrough concepts and BIG ideas for your business.
If your marketing is foolproof, then your customers are going to love you for the value you bring to their table. And when they love you for that, guess for whom they’ll be willing to part away with their hard earned money?
Yep, that’s right. That’s you.
And when you have me by your side, you know the journey is going to be a lot easier and smoother.
If you’re wondering, I've worked as a brand advertising copywriter for renowned multinational agencies like Leo Burnett Orchard, Dentsu Webchutney and even with Agora Financial’s Indian subsidiary Equitymaster, the direct response marketing leaders of the world.
Now, if you have someone writing your copy and doing designs for you already, that’s great. No worries. But you can get a FREE consultation from me or from one of our team members to see if your brand could perform better online.
If you’re ready to take the plunge and make your brand go places with stellar communication, then you can reach to me directly at:
Now if you’re someone not in the above said categories, you can pass around the word to, maybe one of your friends who could use me or my team’s expertise.
But more importantly, I hope you won’t get confused when someone in the future says he or she is a copywriter when you ask them what they do for a living!
After all, we’re the lifeblood of all advertising. #HumbleBrag
Damn, I almost forgot. If you had gotten this far reading my words, it proves three things:
I’m one heck of a good copywriter.
You can’t go wrong when you choose me to write for your business needs- be it social, website, ad films scripts, branding or sales.
That it goes without saying you have my fullest appreciation for spending the last five minutes of your life to know me a little more better in the professional sense.
Hope to hear from you soon, take care:)
Oh yeah, here's a dialog screen grab from Fight Club. No reason. But I thought it should be here:
Now these are golden words which actually summarizes what a copywriter is. Brevity is the soul of wit can be another? :) Great writing as always.